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Set Up Ultrahand

Guide Information

Ultrahand Overlay is a Tesla-Menu replacement style is an menu overlay that enables you to create and share custom command-based packages, providing enhanced functionality for managing settings, files and directories on your Nintendo Switch.

With Ultrahand, you have the flexibility to customise and shape your file management system according to your needs, empowering you with greater control over your system configurations.


Ultrahand Overlay currently offers the following features:

  • Create Directories:

    • Effortlessly create directories on your SD card by specifying the directory path. Ultrahand will handle the creation process for you.

  • Copy Files or Directories:

    • Easily copy files or directories from one location to another on your SD card. Just provide the source and destination paths, and Ultrahand will seamlessly handle the copying process.

  • Delete Files or Directories:

    • Simplify file and directory deletion on your SD card. By specifying the path of the file or directory you want to delete, Ultrahand promptly removes it, making the deletion process hassle-free.

  • Move Files or Directories:

    • Seamlessly move files or directories between locations on your SD card. Provide the source path and the destination directory path, and Ultrahand takes care of the moving process, ensuring smooth relocation.

  • Download Files:

    • Download files to your SD card with ease. Efficiently retrieve files from repositories or URLs to your desired location. Whether you need to download/update homebrew or transfer files between locations, this feature simplifies the process, making repository management a breeze.

  • Unzip Files:

    • Extract compressed zip files on your SD card by unzipping archived files, preserving their original structure. Whether you have downloaded zip archives or received compressed files, this command simplifies the process of extracting them, making it effortless to access the contents within.

  • Modify ini Files:

    • Edit ini files on your SD card with ease. Take full control over your configurations by updating existing key-value pairs, adding new entries, or creating new sections within the ini file using Ultrahand.

  • Hex Edit Files:

    • Perform hexadecimal editing of files on your SD card. Edit the binary data directly, allowing for precise control over your data. Ultrahand’s Hex Edit Files feature enables you to analyse, modify, and customise files in their raw form.

  • Convert Mods:

    • Convert pchtxt mods into ips or cheats format.

  • System Commands:

    • There are a variety of system commands that users can utilise. These include functions to shutdown, reboot, reboot directly into Hekate entries/modes, manipulate the screen’s backlight, and turn off all bluetooth controllers.

  • Run Commmands On Boot:

    • Users can also utilise their own switch/.packages/boot_package.ini file (with a command section boot) to run a series of commands once upon device boot-up.

What You Need

Set Up the Ultrahand Overlay

  1. Download the software from the links below.

  1. Extract the to the root of your microSD card.
  1. Create a folder called .overlays in the switch folder on the root of your microSD card and put the ovlmenu.ovl file in it. 
    • WARNING: This will overwrite Tesla-Menu if already installed.
  1. After installing Ultrahand Overlay, a new folder named ultrahand will be created within the config folder on the root of your microSD card along with a config.ini file containing various Ultrahand settings.

  1. Download the overlays you want to use from the list below.

List Of Overlays

System Utilities:

    • fastCFWswitch Here – An overlay to boot into different payloads.

    • Fizeau Here – Adjust the color of the screen of your Nintendo Switch.

    • ovl-sysmodules Here – Toggle enabled sysmodules on the fly.

    • QuickNTP Here – Syncs the Nintendo Switch time with a list of NTP Servers.

    • Status Monitor Overlay  Here – Displays various system/hardware stats. Can also display framerate using NX-FPS.

    • sys-clk-Overlay Here – Allows you to edit your sys-clk configuration in-game. Changes are applied almost instantly and can be verified by checking the EdiZon overlay’s stats.

    • sys-ftpd-ovl Here – Fast way to get IP address for ftp connection.

General Utilities:

    • EdiZon-Overlay – Here – Forked overlay version of WerWolv’s EdiZon save management/editing tool.

    • emuiibo – Here – Virtual amiibo (amiibo emulation) system.

    • ShareNX Overlay – Here – Share your last screenshot while in-game.

    • sys-tune – Here – Background audio player.

    • TextReaderOverlay-NXHere – A Text Reader Overlay for Nintendo Switch.

Game Specific Overlays:

    • CaptureSight – Here – Applet and Overlay to view Pokemon, Raid seeds, Future shiny frames/IVs, and more.

    • MEGAHAKUS – Here – Tesla overlay with various hacks for 初音ミク Project DIVA MEGA39’s.

    • Smash Ultimate Training Modpack – Here – Overlay menu for interacting with the Training Mode enhancing mods in Smash Ultimate.

Fun & PoC:

    • snek – Here – Snake overlay.

  1. Add the overlays you’ve downloaded to the switch/.overlays folder on your microSD card.

Using The Ultrahand Overlay

  1. Boot into Atmosphere CFW.
  1. Launch Ultrahand using Ultrahand’s hotkey combo (ZL + ZR + DPAD DOWN). A new folder will be made switch/.packages with a preset package.ini file for your base menu commands.

  1. Place your custom package.ini package file in your Ultrahand package directory switch/.packages/<PACKAGE_NAME>. This file will contains the commands for your custom Ultrahand package.

  1. Your commands will now show up on the packages menu within Ultrahand.

Additional Features

    • You can click A to execute any command as well as click MINUS to view/execute the individual command lines written in the ini for execution.
    • You can click PLUS on the main menu to enter the settings menu.
    • You can click X on top of an overlay/package to star them.
    • You can click Y on top of an overlay/package to configure additional settings.

For additional assistance with custom packages, feel free to checkout the Ultrahand Overlay Wiki.