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Disable Ban Protection

Guide Information

Disable ban protection in Atmosphere running on sysMMC leaving it active in emuMMC only. This will enable you to connect to Nintendo whilst running Atmosphere in sysMMC.

Disable sysMMC Ban Protection

  1. Open the exosphere.ini on the root of your microSD card with notepad.
  1. Scroll down and change the following line from:

    blank_prodinfo_sysmmc=1 to blank_prodinfo_sysmmc=0.
  1. Navigate to the atmosphere/hosts folder on your microSD card.
  1. Rename the default.txt to emummc.txt.
  1. Navigate to the bootloader folder on your microSD card.
  1. Open the hekate_ipl.ini in notepad.
  1. Locate the following boot entry:

    {------ Atmosphere ------}
    [CFW on Device Memory]


    and change the following line from:

    cal0blank=1 to cal0blank=0.

  1. Your real serial number will be returned and you will no longer be blocking connections to Nintendo whilst in Atmosphere CFW on sysMMC.