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Rescue emuMMC Saves
Guide Information
Rescue saves from a non-bootable Partition Based emuMMC and restore them to a new emuMMC.
- 10+ Minutes
What You Need
- Unpatched/Modchipped Switch
- MicroSD Card (64GB+)
- Partition Based emuMMC
- prod.keys
- Python x.xx.x
- TegraExplorer
Rescue Save Data
- If you don't have your prod.keys in the switch folder on the root of your microSD card, click the link below.
- Download the software from the link below.
- Enter RCM and inject TegraExplorer.bin.
- Navigate to Browse EMUMMC and tap the power button to select.
- Navigate to User > Save > Current folder options > Copy to clipboard.
- Navigate to Folder back > Exit explorer > Back.
- Navigate to Browse SD > Clipboard -> current folder.
- Allow the folder to be copied to the root of your microSD card.
- Once finished, select Exit explorer > Reboot to (choose an option).
- There will now be a folder called save on the root of your microSD card, this contains all of the save data from your broken emuMMC. Move this to your PC and create a new emuMMC.
Decrypt Save Data
- Download the software from the link below.
- Run the python-x.xx.x-amd64.exe.
- Check the box for ‘Add python.exe to PATH’ on the python-3.11.1-amd64.exe installation screen and click on ‘Install Now’. Close the python install screen after it’s finished installing.
- Download the software from the link below.
- Download the software from the link below.
- Extract the to your desktop.
- Extract the to your desktop.
- Put your prod.keys and the HacToolNet.exe into the SaveExtract folder.
- Place the save folder you dumped with TegraExplorer into the SaveExtract folder.
- Open the SaveExtract folder and double click run.bat to start the save extraction. Your extracted saves will be located in the out folder. They will be in subfolders ordered by the title ID of each game.
Restore Save Data
- Download the software from the link below.
- Put the JKSV.nro into the switch folder on the root of your microSD card.
- Boot into Atmosphere on emuMMC and re-install the games you had save data for.
- Load each game and create a new save for each one.
- Run JKSV from the hbmenu.
- Press X to bring up the User Options and select Dump All For (your profile) to dump the save data for all your games.
- You can dump an individual save by pressing A on your profile, highlight and select the game you want dump the save for, then by press A again on New. Give your save a name then select OK.
- Some games are in displayed in the Device tab.
- All backed up save data will be located in the JKSV folder on the root of your microSD card.
- Access your microSD card and navigate to the JKSV folder.
- Navigate to the SaveExtract/out folder.
- Open each subfolder inside the SaveExtract/out folder and move the save data inside to the JKSV/Game Name subfolders using the title ID of each game (replace any files if asked). You can find game title IDs Here.
- When you have done this for all your games, you can boot back into Atmosphere on emuMMC.
- Run JKSV from the hbmenu.
- Press A on your profile, navigate to the game you want to restore the save data for and select it with A.
- Press Y on the save you want to restore, then hold A until you see the save data has been restored.
- Repeat for all your games.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Modifying your Switch is dangerous. It can lead to account bans, which will prevent you from accessing Nintendo's online services and can also lead to potential console bricks. If you decide to modify your Switch in any way, we take no responsibility for any damage you cause to your switch. If you have any questions, or need help getting started, you can join our discord server by clicking the link above.